
Known for his lyrics proficiency as well as his unique style, rapper L'Morphine won over a delicate fan base of gangsta rap and underground hip-hop, back in the days rap was just a myth in Morocco. He began his career as the scene name "M-Psy" on 1998. First discographic traces can be traced to 2004's (Tubless + Khikha) before kicking off the all time great collectif Pirhana-Labo in 2006. "Maxi-Mighnatiss" was the first wow project, after his many Singles produced progressively. This was followed by many masterpieces : Na9ouss, Mighnatiss, L'Morphiniya… mixtapes like: Total, Paprika.. which kept growing the fan base. Now he's considered as one -if not the ultimate- undisputed master of the lyricist rap genre in Morocco, inspiring many talented rappers of different generations of the likes of : Pause Flow, Raid, Hamza 15-3, Diib, Youss45…

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