
  • Date de sortie

    7 Mars 2010

  • Durée

    11 titres

Pour son 2ème album « Major changes with Miniatures » le trio rock lausannois Jack is Dead s’inspire du splendide chaos des leaders. Et de l’Orient en particulier, berceau des sciences et de l’art soumis à la théocratie pathétique. Et il s’en inspire à tel point que le groupe sort 2 versions de son 2ème album…

Une première en trio, rock, sans disto, épurée, un peu blues, bluegrass, soul avec quelques
touches sonores d’Iran, un peu “Beatles”, un peu electro folk, un peu reprises (Nirvana, Meat Puppets). Et une seconde version totalement réarrangée avec un orchestre traditionnel iranien. Car c’est l’Iran que Jack is Dead prend comme point de départ, inspiré et touché par la dernière “Révolution Verte”, pour aller en Afghanistan, en Irak, jusqu’en Palestine et Israël.

« Major changes with Miniatures », s’arme aussi d’une trompette (Pascal Braillard, A Few Good Men), d’un trombone (Xavier Nussbaum, Moonraisers) et du quatuor à cordes Barbouzes de chez Fior (Young Gods)

Jack is Dead proposera aussi sa double face en live.
Jack is Dead en trio rock et Jack is Dead et son orchestre iranien


At the beginning, we wanted to bring big orchestrations in our 2nd album. Something huge, shiny, spacious, majestic and of course totally emotional. Because the orchestras would have come from here and Iran, Israel, Palestine and Afghanistan. We wanted to reunite all the strenghts of an artistic team, musicians, sound engineer, photograph, graphic designers. Strengths of a family. Yves-Ali’s in Iran, Jan’s (Germany), Blaise’s (Switzerland) also the strenghts of these symbolics in the conflict situation in the Middle East and beyond. Reunite all these identities into one room, make them shake hands, understand and love each other and create a work of art all together without gods nor laws but full of peace and hope

That was the idea….that was because we had to change it. Yes it was too much for too little time. So we did exactly the same but within two steps. Jack is Dead’s second album «Major changes with Miniatures» has been released once on march 31st, and will be once again next september re-arranged with a traditionnal iranian orchestra, israeli, palestinian and iranian rappers and Yves-Ali’s mum and aunts singing.

The Swiss trio builds itself into a deeper sound, giving up this time the distortion in benefit of a clean and crunchy sound, and he ventures in a more pop, funky, blues and bluegrass genre, with horns and string quartet.

The first eponym EP «the bliss» received a good echo and was broadcasted on a Japanese radio (Yellowbeat) in 2006. In 2008, for his first opus « Eagle of the Road », Jack is Dead asserts and seduces the radios - RSR Couleur3, DRS3, Radio 3Fach (Lucerne) and the American independent label 272 Records (compilation Riot on Sunset, vol.14), but it’s mainly thanks to this last album that he has strengthen by being broadcasted in North America (Radio Shawinigan, Québec, the ROSEQ) and performing in famous festivals such as Rock’Oz Arènes, Caprices Festival or the Estivales.

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