
  • Date de sortie

    15 Novembre 2019

  • Durée

    10 titres

This real artists duet from Paris, have reinvented what it means to be awesome !. Passion, imagination, character and charisma emanate from their music,
which is why it is so well perceived by it's audience. Their Dance-Pop Sound is released via their unique vibes stamped "Made in Paris for Ze World".
Make sure you show your support by liking and sharing their music !

1 - Seven and Eight
2 - Success
3 - Love Is Love
4 - Only
5 - Dance Party
6 - Here I Am
7 - New Life
8 - I Live in Paris
9 - Flying With an Angel
10 - Follow Your Dream Now

Author/Composer: Philippe PERTHUS / Martine PERTHUS
Genre: Nu Disco, Dance, Pop, Funk, Disco
Label: © 2019 INTERVIEW Music Label Production
Available on Beatport - Junodownload - Qobuz - Spotify - Amazon -Google Play - iTunes - TIDAL - Deezer etc… on all countries

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