
  • Date de sortie

    14 Juin 1997

  • Durée

    6 titres

Interpretive Belief System is an extraordinary confluence of scattershot percussion, hip-hop attitude and dub vibes from the starter "Port of Entry" to the excellent closer "Second Chance."
This long deleted album was recorded entirely on 4-track, Interpretive Belief System, marks HIM's return to the same dub techniques that informed Lee Perry's '70s experiments. Scharin introduces new flavors into the mix, however, using treated vocals, and live cello and drums over programmed loops. "Heavy rhythm music" is how Scharin describes this latest sonic foray, and HIM does not disappoint with heavy percussive elements and non-traditional "world" beats. Far from the usual elevator music peddled by modern-day prog-rock outfits, Interpretive Belief System , in all its subtlety, is a celebration of sound and rhythm, breathing new life into a world fill of expired sounds and ideas.

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