
It's growin' larger, I'm pushin' harder
I'm actin' sooner, I'm buildin' to it
It's movin' faster, it's comin' closer
It's gettin' nearer, I'm feelin' older

It's growin' larger, I'm pushin' harder
I'm actin' sooner, I'm buildin' to it
It's movin' faster, it's comin' closer
It's gettin' nearer, I'm feelin' older

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It's growin' larger, I'm pushin' harder
I'm actin' sooner, I'm buildin' to it

I'm workin' on it, I think I got it
It makes a nice impression, then it slithers away
But I'm workin' to it, I can't wait for it
We all wanna be someone at the end of the day

It's movin' faster, it's comin' closer
It's gettin' nearer, I'm feelin' older
It's growin' larger, I'm pushin' harder
I'm actin' sooner, I'm buildin' to it

I'm workin' on it, I think I got it
It makes a nice impression, then it slithers away
But I'm workin' to it, I can't wait for it
We all wanna be someone at the end of the day

(We all wanna be someone at the end of the day)

Writer(s): Joe Keery, Adam Thein

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