
  • Années d'activité

    2011 – 2016 (4 ans)

  • Membres

    • Dan Wild-Beesley
    • John Simm

Cleft are Dan on guitar and John on anything that isn't guitar. They really should have grown up by now, but that hasn't happened. Describing themselves as playing “turbo-prog” for a laugh when they first formed in late 2011, the odd genre title now seems to have stuck.

After releasing two EPs called “Utter” and “Whale Bone” in 2012, they loaded their gear into the back of a petulant automobile and toured around the UK, surviving on service station coffee and houmous alone.

When this ran out, they started working furiously on their debut full length release "BOSH!", which they describe as “slightly better than a kick in the face” and was released on the 10th February 2014. Due to a lack of attention span from too much sugar, Cleft released a 6-track live EP in July 2014 and a further double A side in August 2014 - all the profits from this release are donated to charity.

Their second and last ever album effort called "Wrong" was released in May 2016 on heavy vinyl, CD and download.

Cleft have been condensing 14 minute prog songs into 3 minutes and having a lot of fun doing it. They've toured a lot and made a lot of nice friends.

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