
  • Date de sortie

    25 Septembre 1997

  • Durée

    13 titres

This 1997 record is another compilation of “enhanced” and remixed versions and partially a collection of new or unreleased material.

The previously unreleased tracks are: “Jam ’71″, a long jam from 1971 which is basically a variation on the themes showcased in Tanz Der Lemminge’s fourth side; “Jim Hai Jam UK ’96″ is another jam, but from 1996, of which an edited version was present in the “Live in Tokyo” set. “Nada Cairo” and “Nada Moonshine Union” can be considered two remixes of Nada Moonshine #’s title track. “What You Gonna Do” is a re-recorded version of the 1973 Utopia song. “Surrounded by the Stars” and “Dancing on Fire” are both recordings from the early 1990s. Edited versions of “Kiss Ma EEE” and “La Paloma” (only the theme from La Krautoma without the final jam) are also present.

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