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Wednesday 20 November 2013 at 7:30pm


54-56 Whitworth St, Manchester, M1 5WW, United Kingdom

Tel: 0161 407 0301


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Pound for pound, there are few countries that better or more effectively create music than Iceland. múm have been a core part of this steady cultural export of brilliance since their formation in 1997, with their work often inhabiting the same emotional soundscape as their friends and fellow countrymen Sigur Rós – though with an end product that is wildly and wonderful different. Often using unconventional instrumentation and song structure, the band blend the cold hiss and glitches of electronic music with an inimitable warmth and texture.

Smilewound, released 6 September, will be the band’s sixth full length album, expanding on the otherworldly, experimental sound múm have become renowned for. Their debut, Yesterday Was Dramatic – Today Is Okay, became one of the first sleeper hits of the new millennium, earning a 9.1 review from Pitchfork and wider international acclaim. Follow-up LPs Finally We Are No-One, Summer Make Good, Go Go Smear the Poison and Sing Along to Songs You Don’t Know further enhanced their reputation, with Bjork reportedly a long-time admirer.

This is múm’s first Manchester show since summer 2009.

Price: £15 adv
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