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I was looking at the leaves
Climbing to the tops of the trees
But you were nowhere to be found
Just beneath all the green
You were buried like a little seed
Among the roots and underground
I was licking at the leaves
But I was in short sleeves and you
And you, you were like some sickness that I caught
My sweetheart moved away
Swept off like garbage in the alleyway
And I need more grace than I thought

Oh, 'cause, brother I'm far
Brother I'm far away
Brother, I'm far away from everything
Oh, brother I'm far
Brother, I'm far away
Brother, I'm far away from everything good

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She's like a hot cloth on a fevered head
And like a needle she leads me
Well, I follow like thread
Tie me up, untie me
All this wishing I was dead is getting old
It's getting old
It goes on, but it's old

I was swimmin' through the waves
For what must have been days
But could find no relief
When I started sinking down
I thought for certain I would drown
Until I saw you in the ocean underneath
All the bright colored fish
Tell of a treasure in a dull shell
Such subtlety, so easily missed
You, my hidden pearl of pure and perfect love
And I'm a living example of 100 percent the opposite of this
And if I ask the same questions
Well, you say I ask the same questions
Well, well maybe I repeat myself from time to time
But if I ask the same questions
And then I'd know I ask the same questions
It's 'cause everyone who answers me is a liar

She's like a hot cloth on a fevered head
And like a needle she leads me
Well, I follow like thread
But you untied me
Didn't you untie me, Lord?
And now I haven't even thought about killing myself in almost five months

Writer(s): Richard Mazzotta, Aaron Weiss, Michael Weiss, Daniel Pishcok, Christopher Kleinberg

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