
  • Fecha de lanzamiento

    1 agosto 1984

  • Duración

    8 temas

Criollo is a 1984 album by Willie Colón and first under the RCA Label.

Know for both with work with Celia Crúz and Rubén Blades and five-star albums of his own, Willie Colón is one of the most revered salsa vocalist of the 1970s, '80s, and '90s. The Singer/Composer can usually be counted on to go that extra mile, and Criollo is no exception. Colón reminds listeners how magnificent a storyteller he can be on gems ranging from "Caballero Visionario" to "Son Ellos". Whether singing about nuclear weapons on "La Era Nuclear" (Which gets its point across without preaching) or New Yorkers vacationing on South America in the winter, Colón demonstrates how fine a lyricist he can be. Of course, those who don't speak Spanish won't understand what he's singing about, but they'll definitely be aware of the infectiousness of the Afro-Cuban beat and the stirring, passionate nature of his singing.

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