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Wak is an independent individual project, without a record label. It begins in the year 2017 after 4 years of the separation of the main Band of the Guitarist of Aura Banda from the country of Chile. After several processes of wanting to frame something only experimental atmosphere and sounds to reach the subconscious and elimination of the "I" in his first album - Perception - He decided to generate a voice to the songs of his second album, being arduous efforts since it is not vocal. The music tries to capture the feelings and sensations that the musician lived dur… Más información
Wak is an independent individual project, without a record label. It begins in the year 2017 after 4 years of the separation of the main Band o… Más información
Wak is an independent individual project, without a record label. It begins in the year 2017 after 4 years of the separation of the main Band of the Guitarist of Aura Banda from th… Más información
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