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The word Ænima is a portmanteau of the words Enema and Anima.

An enema is a procedure of introducing liquids into the rectum and colon via the anus. Metaphorically, it could refer to a cleansing of another type, such as the nationwide purging described in this song.

The anima refers to one of two primary anthropomorphic archetypes of the unconscious mind in Carl Jung’s school of analytical psychology. In the unconscious of the male, this archetype finds expression as a feminine inner personality: anima; equivalently, in the unconscious of the female it is expressed as a masculine inner personality: animus. It is an archetype of the collective unconscious and it is said to manifest itself by appearing in dreams. It also influences a man’s interactions with women and his attitudes toward them and vice versa for females and the animus.

There has long been speculation that California could slip into the sea if there was a big enough earthquake. The San Andreas Fault is nearly big enough to accomplish this, shearing off a large portion of California. Los Angeles would be one of the cities to “sleep with the fishes.”.

L.A is past saving, it has to be flooded. This is a biblical reference to God flooding the earth, telling Noah to build an ark. Maynard doesn’t want an ark, he wants you to ‘learn to swim’, aka get conscious to what’s going on around you.

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