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If you see me walking down the streets
And I start to cry
Each time we meet

Walk on by
Aahh walk on by
Make believe
I can see the tears
Now let me grieve in private
'Cause each time I see you
I just want to cry
Walk on by
Walk on by
Walk on by

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I just can't get over losing you
And so if I seem so broken in pieces

Walk on by
Aah walk on by
With foolish pride
If I can't see the tears
Let me hide
From the tears and the sadness
When you said goodbye

Walk on by
Walk on by
Walk on by
Just go for a stroll in the trees

Walk on by
Aahh walk on by
And make believe
That I can't see the tears
Now let me grieve in private
'Cause each time I see you
I break down and cry
Walk on by
Walk on by

Writer(s): Burt F. Bacharach, Hal David

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