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Learning to walk
Held up by stilts
A taste of the pavement might be the answer
To kill my last thought

Anything to not be here
Like it makes a difference
How many nails to hold my head still?
One more day in the life and I will fucking end it

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They can't hear you screaming out of desperation
This ones full of led
Contemplating my existence after everything you've said
Another night to ponder it

Creature takes form on the way down
It has no name
It resides in Hell

I won't fake it any longer
Breathe in through the mask
And realize that by accepting eminent death
We can begin to tolerate the surrounding air shared by everyone

When all that's left is descent
We are finally free
There is no more hate held between, because we understand
That the feeling is the same when our hearts stops

Creature takes it form on the way down
It has no name
It resides in Hell

Taped to the back of my fucking lids
Come take a look through the lens in my head

Pain lasts below the soil
Just know
This life was set to fail
I won't be forced to live it

Writer(s): Alexander Tehrani

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