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Returned Venus, love is meaningless
For the first twenty-five
And I guess that's alright with me

Life gets tricky when you're breaking
Curses from another life
In the hopes that the next one will be

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A reward for all the strife I hold within me
So much that it's almost comical
At best, I'm exceedingly protean
And at worst I'll never know peace

Reproductive and destruction
From which I can't come back
And God knows I know that, but still

I'll stay focused on my purpose
Done holding myself back
The world will do that for me
(Thank you, rocking hours)

And the off chance I have a moment of clarity
It magnifies the ugly truth
I'll make sure the evil ends here with me
If it's the only thing I do

Returned Venus, death is seamless
When you sharpen the knife
There's a chance you might not even bleed

Writer(s): Shamir Bailey, Isaac Eiger

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