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I know it's really hard to see
That we are the enemy
I know it's really hard to see
That we are the enemy of the Earth

They fuck you then they fuck themselves
They raise a flag that Jesus sells
They fuck you then they fuck themselves
They raise a flag that Jesus sells

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I know it's really hard to see
That we are the enemy
I know it's really hard to see
That we are the enemy of the Earth

We're on drugs
We're on drugs
We're all on drugs
We're on drugs
We're on drugs
Baby, we're all on drugs
Do you like drugs?

I know it's really hard to see
That we are the enemy
I know it's really hard to see
That we are the enemy of the Earth
We are the enemy of the Earth
We are the enemy of the Earth

Writer(s): Daron Malakian

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