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What do you want from me?
Now you got me
Now my fingers bleed
Now they're staring at me
I'm a coward now
I hold my peace

Now you tie me up to your feather bed
And I twist and turn in a Chinese burn
You won't let go
You won't let go

La letra continúa más abajo...

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You're inside my head
Inside my head

What do you want from me?
Now you got me
Now my energy you suck from me
And I'm holding on for dear life

Quit smothering me
Quit laughing at me
I got a disease
An English disease
It won't let go
It won't let go

You're inside my head
Inside my head

What did you put in that syringe?
Whatever you really said to him?
Is sitting there, inside of me

And you bother me, you possess me
You're there again ahead of me
And I won't let go
I won't let go

You're inside my head
Inside my head
Inside my head
Inside my head

Writer(s): Edward O'brien, Philip Selway, Jonathan Greenwood, Thomas Yorke, Colin Greenwood

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