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You're Just in Love (I Wonder Why)


I hear singing and there's no one there
I smell blossoms and the trees are bare
All day long I seem to walk on air
I wonder why, I wonder why?

I keep tossing in my sleep at night
And what's more I've lost my appetite
Stars that used to twinkle in the skies
Are twinkling in my eyes
I wonder why?

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You don't need analyzin'
It is not so surprisin'
That you feel very strange but nice
Your heart goes pitter patter
I know just what's the matter
Because I've been there once or twice

Put your head on my shoulder
You need someone who's older
A rub-down with a velvet glove
There is nothing you can take
To relieve that pleasant ache
You're not sick, you're just in love

(I hear singing and) you don't need analyzin'
(There's no one there) it is not so surprisin'
(I smell blossoms and the trees are bare) that you feel very strange but nice!
Your heart goes pitter patter
(All day long I wonder why)I know just what's the matter
Because I've been there once or twice (I wonder why)

(I keep tossing in my sleep at night) put your head on my shoulder
You need someone who's older
(And what's more I've lost my appetite) a rub-down with a velvet glove!
(Stars that used to twinkle in the skies) there is nothing you can take
(Are twinkling in) to relieve that pleasant ache
You're not sick, (my eyes I wonder why) you're just in love!

Now you know why
(Now I know why)
Just in love

Writer(s): Irving Berlin

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