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Try try try try try try
Try try try try try try
Try try try try try try...

Try to tell me how to do it
only because i'm new to it
coolness is having courage
courage to do what's right
i'll try to remember always
just to have a good time
try to show me that you know me
do you know what coolness really is?
winning is what you want to
but you're scared to go forth
you try to remember always
always to have a good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time

La letra continúa más abajo...

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Try and have a softer inside
shut up boy and be a soldier
coolness is having courage
courage to do what's right
try to remember always
just to have a good time
winning is what you want to
winning but you're scared to go forth
try to remember always
always to have a good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time
good time

Writer(s): Noah Benjamin Lennox

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