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The dead will take you in

Leave me alone, can't you see I'm dying
Here. I'll rip you, wide open. Just let me
Go, there's no more use for me
So cold I'm shaking

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Are you all dead? Dead and walking
Corpses talking. Is your blood red and
Beating? Still screaming
Don't let them take me

I'm paralyzed, my arms rest at my side
Stop testing, I'm resting, incessantly, you're
Making a mistake, it's just my time now

Leave me alone, can't you see I'm dying here
I'll rip you, wide open, just let me go
There's no more use for me
So cold I'm shaking

A pinprick glow
My heart rate is still falling let me go
I'm lost, this shaking won't stop
There's no hope

Close my eyes, take me before I realize
That there's still a chance to change
To live and never fade away

I wake, don't wait
The dead will take you in
Like too much insulin

Writer(s): Drew Preston Dowell, Justin M Johnson, Francis Julian Gross, Aaron G Johnson, Geoffrey Colin Walker

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