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All the people under broken homes
Don't wanna fight no more
All the people nursing shattered bones
Don't wanna fight no more
But there's no profit in peace
So we've gotta fight some more

And all these who are in foreign lands
Don't wanna fight no more
And all those who've lost their feet or hands
Don't wanna fight no more
But there's no profit in peace boys
We gotta fight some more

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Hey we don't wanna fight no more
Hey, Hey, Hey, We don't wanna fight no more
But theres' no profit in peace
So we gotta fight some more

And all those just trying to play their part
Don't wanna fight no more
And all those who own a human heart
Don't wanna fight no more
But there's no profit in what you want
So we must fight some more

And all those who got an axe to grind
Don't wanna fight no more
And all those who got their burning lives
Don't wanna fight no more
But there's no profit in ever being right
So we must fight some more

Hey we don't wanna fight no more
Hey, Hey, Hey, We don't wanna fight no more
But theres' no profit in peace
So we gotta fight some more

And all the people under broken homes
Don't wanna fight no more
All the people never going home
Don't wanna fight no more
But there is profit in the land you own
So we must fight some more

And all those who got a tired face
Don't wanna fight no more
And all those who are lost without a trace
Don't wanna fight no more
But there is profit in the love of hate
So we must fight some more

Writer(s): Oscar Lloyd Harrison, Stephen Cradock, Simon Fowler, Damon Minchella

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