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Get, get, get in line and settle down
Get, get, get in line and settle down
Get, get, get in line and settle down
Get, get, get, get in line and settle down

But you can see it my eyes
You can read it on my lips
I'm trying to get a hold on this
And I really mean it this time
And you know it's such a trip
Don't get me started
I'm trying to get a hold on this

La letra continúa más abajo...

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Get, get, get, get
Get, get, get, get
Get, get, get, get
Get, get, get, get

Get, get, get, get in line and settle down
Get in line and settle down
Get, get, get in line and settle down
Get in line and settle down

What's your 20?
Where's your brain?
Checking in to check you out
Concerned about your whereabouts

Copy that
You're acting strange
So tell me what is going on
So heavy I bet

I'm fine (yeah)
I'm hella positive for real, I'm all good, no
I'm fine (yeah)
It's gotten complicated, that's for sure

But you can see it my eyes
You can read it on my lips
I'm trying to get a hold on this
And I really mean it this time
And you know it's such a trip
Don't get me started
I'm trying to get a hold on this


Get, get, get, get, get in line and settle down
Get in line and settle down
Get, get, get in line and settle down
Get in line and settle down


Get, get, get, get, get in line and settle down
Get in line and settle down
Get, get, get in line and settle down
Get in line and settle down

Get, get, get

Writer(s): Gwen Stefani, Thomas Dumont, Tony Kanal

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