
You would say anything
And you would try anything
To escape your meaningless
And your insignificance
You're uncontrollable
And we are unlovable
And I don't want you to think that I care
I never would, I never could again

Why can't you just love her?
Why be such a monster?
You bully from a distance
Your brain needs some assistance
But I'll still take all the blame
Cause you and me are both one and the same
And it's driving me mad
And it's driving me mad

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I'll take back all the things that I said
I didn't realize I was talking to the living dead
And I don't want you to think that I care
I never would, I never could again

You would say anything
And you would try anything
To escape your meaningless
And your insignificance

Writer(s): Matthew James Bellamy

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