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Mumford & Sons wrote, arranged and produced this track for the Pixar 3D computer-animated film Brave. The movie tells the story of an impetuous young Scottish girl named Merida, who insists on defying the wishes of her mother to marry someone in her kingdom. Said the movie's producer Katherine Safarian: "'Learn Me Right' is an amazing song. I feel something every time I hear it. Mumford & Sons sketched out a piece that would do justice to the culminating moment of the movie, underscoring the emotion, heart and the lessons learned between mother and daughter. They really found that moment of truth in the story we were trying to tell and it takes the movie to a new level at the end."

Teenage singer Birdy contributes vocals. Said Marcus Mumford: "It's quite fun doing a song for a movie rather than for an album. We liked the idea of having an orchestra in the background and having a girl like Birdy sing - it's been quite liberating."

The group reworked this song under the title "Not With Haste" for their 2012 album Babel.

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