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She's praying to a god who won't talk back
Her faith is dying, tears are a sign she's going off track
Keep praying to a god who won't talk back, won't talk back
Down on her knees and praying to a god who won't talk back

Her momma believed that the devil had a dress on
So she's out on the town tonight, she got her best on
Her daddy believed that the needle was a highway
So she powders her nose, she's just looking for direction

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It gets hard to feel the friction underwater
As she's breaking down, she's tearing at the borders
In too deep to save herself, she takes a pill that seems to help
Close her eyes and pictures standing at the altar

She's praying to a god who won't talk back
Her faith is dying, tears are a sign she's going off track
She's praying to a god who won't talk back, won't talk back
Down on her knees and praying to a god who won't talk back

It gets hard to feel the friction underwater
As she's breaking down, she's tearing at the borders
In too deep to save herself, she takes a pill that seems to help
Close her eyes and pictures standing at the altar

Writer(s): Carlos St. John Phillips, Lee Stanshenko

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