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When I'm weary and so worn out
Oh, when my mind's clouded and filled with doubt
That's when I feel the most alive
Masochistic kisses are how I thrive

A stiffness inside my neck
And banging my head against the desk
If there's no pain, is there any progress?
That's when I feel the most alive
Endurance is the source of my pride, hey

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Might not be healthy for me, but seemingly, I need
What cuts me, cuts me, cuts me, cuts me, cut me, cut me, yeah

Guess I'm a true immigrant son
No vacancies, no vacations
Sure, I can do better than this
But I don't, won't, don't

What cuts me, cuts me, cuts me, cut me, cut me, hey-yeah

Oh nah, that's when I feel the most alive
Is when I think I won't survive
And you cut me, cut me, cut me, yeah
Whoa, that's when I feel the most alive
When I think I won't survive
And you cut me, you cut me, whoa
Cut me, cut me
You cut me, cut me

Writer(s): Daniel Lopatin, Moses Sumney, Harry Burgess, Tom Howe, Steven Wells, Timothy Slater

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