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The Summer's colder in your arms.
I'll find a home away from harm
and, god forbid, try to feel better.
Terrified of what I'll find,
unanswered questions in my mind
or maybe I'm not meant to feel so put together.

Oh, the ride home. I'll look out your window,
see a world I hate to loathe.
From what I know, this place I call home
makes me shrivel as I grow.

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A head well hung
Words weighing tons
Learning each day why I'll never see my friends uncross their arms

Unending doubt
Thoughts caught in drought
But I can rest because the rainbow kids all have it figured out

Unwaivered tongues
Words best unsung
But I still sing, it brings me comfort.

Oh, the ride home. I'll look out your window,
see a world I hate to loathe.
But what I know is this place I call home
is all I want to see grow.

Writer(s): Jon Williams, Elliott Brabant, Jon Buncic

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