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Yesterday would have been too soon
For the praises I held
I did rob you of your will
I did bait your hope of your pupils that spread
Like seeds in soil
I did drain your eyes
Turned them stale of joy
I did drain your eyes
Turned them stale of joy

And the waves would shake your feet
And I saw you lose control
Control was out of your reach now
I bet you let it go
And the waves would shake your feet
And I saw you lose control

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And you turned mad on sight I saw
Almost naked from what I stole
Nothing left to show
Deprived of all but your glow
Oh, nothing left to show
Deprived of all but your glow

And the waves would shake your feet
And I saw you lose control
Control was out of your reach now
I bet you let it go
And the waves would shake your feet
And I saw you lose control
Control was out of your reach now
I bet you let it go

And the waves would shake your feet
And I saw you lose control
Control was out of your reach now
I bet you let it go
I bet you let it go
I bet you let it go

And the waves would shake your feet
And I saw you lose control
Control was out of your reach now
I bet you let it go
And the waves would shake your feet
And I saw you lose control
Control was out of your reach now
I bet you let it go

Writer(s): Loke Rahbek, Soho Rezanejad, Hannes Lars Norrvide, Malthe Fischer

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