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Seventeen, you don't think that much about life
You just live it
Like kerosene dancin' around a fire
But you're in it

So you jump right in
Ain't afraid to fall
And you give it all

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She got the best of me
She broke my heart
Now all that's left of me
Is beatin' in this guitar
Every night, a different town

She follows me around
So you get what's left of me
Yeah you get what's left of me
'Cause she got the best of me

I picked myself up off the floor
And found somethin' new worth livin' for
In an old dusty hand-me-down six string
And a couple chords

I'm gettin' over her
A little more with every song
So y'all sing along

She got the best of me
She broke my heart
Now all that's left of me
Is beatin' in this guitar
Every night, a different town
She follows me around

So you get what's left of me
Yeah you get what's left of me
'Cause she got the best of me

She got the best of me
She broke my heart
Now all that's left of me
Is beatin' in this guitar
Every night, a different town
She follows me around

So you get what's left of me
Yeah you get what's left of me
'Cause she got the best of me
'Cause she got the best of me
She got the best of me

Writer(s): Rob Snyder, Luke Combs, Channing Wilson

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