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"(A) Katy Perry" is an album recorded by Katy Perry. The album was meant to be Perry's debut under the new stage name "Katy Perry" as well as her second album as a solo artist (after working as a vocalist on The Matrix then canceled album). The album was recorded by Perry during her recording sessions with Glen Ballard.
In an interview with Blender, Katy revealed the album was due in 2005 saying “My album will be more rock, which is probably why my parents think I’m going to hell!”. The album was scheduled to be released March 2005 in the United States under Glen Ballard's label Java Records, which at the time was an imprint under The Island Def Jam Music Group. Katy Perry has confessed that "Sherlock Holmes" was one of Perry's favorite songs of the bunch, but mentioned it needed a "re-write on all fronts".

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