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Just me myself an I
I just don't het it right
No matter what I try

And I just want to run
From what's about to come
I can't keep hope alive

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When I veer so far off the course
When I'm stuck and can't take anymore

It's easy to forget
When I'm scared half to death
You never left my side

I don't need stars to wish upon
I don't need some magician with a magic wand
That could wave just to make me strong
Cause I got you

I don't need stars to wish upon
I don't need some magician with a magic wand
That could wave just to make me strong
Cause I got you

When down and out of luck
And things just don't add up
When I just want to shout

And wrong just feels so right
Not always black or white
Can't figure this thing out

When I veer so far off of the course
When I'm stuck and can't take anymore

It's easy to forget
When I'm confused at best
You rid me of my doubts

I don't need stars to wish upon
I don't need some magician with a magic wand
That could wave just to make me strong
Cause I got you

I don't need stars to wish upon
I don't need some magician with a magic wand
That could wave just to make me strong
Cause I got you

When I veer so far off of the course
When I'm stuck and can't take anymore

It's easy to forget
When I'm confused at best
You rid me of my doubts

I don't need stars to wish upon
I don't need some magician with a magic wand
That could wave just to make me strong
Cause I got you

I don't need stars to wish upon
I don't need some magician with a magic wand
That could wave just to make me strong
Cause I got you

Writer(s): Matthew James Guillory

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