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She, is breathing in and out, she makes me sick.
Is running through the Woods she is gotta see.
That I can't hold this flames against her lips.
That we should play no games so we gotta be.
Memories burning out in heavywind, memories burning out in heavy wind.

So tell me, what kind of lullaby can kill this devil.
Cause I just cant slow down so you gotta get me.
Cause I wont let you down so we should make an arrangement.
It's you, It's me, It's easy. It's you, It's me, It's easy

So, tell me wouldn't she cry?
Tell me wouldn't she die for this?
Tell me wouldn't she cry?

So take me, take me to another youth pretending.
That wearing flowers in your hair still trendy.
And i'll be waiting for ther nuclear storm…


I'm coming home, I'm coming home.

Forget about your sons and pray the Lord,
While loading up a gun and shouting no
And there will be no bets and no regrets.
Its just the way to find a place to stay…

Then tell me wouldn't she cry?
Tell me wouldn't she die for this?
Tell me wouldn't she cry?

So take me, take me to another youth pretending.
That wearing flowers in your hair still trendy.
And i'll be waiting for ther nuclear storm…

I'm coming home, I'm coming home.

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