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Love is a stranger
I know that it's hard
I know what it's like

You don't need a saviour
To someone who'll fight
With you by yr side

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With whole desire
Chemical fire
This is no joke
No joke

Whole desire
The cannonball fire

It's as if I could split the moon in two

We live in a wasteland
People lie to yr face
Fucking lie to yr face

So love
Assuming the angels
To lift up their hearts
Carry me back
To you

With whole desire
Chemical fire

This is no joke
No joke

Whole desire
The cannonball fire

It's as if I could split the moon in two for you

Don't be a stranger
I know this is hard
'Cause I know what I'm like

Whole desire
Chemical fire
This is no joke
No joke

Whole desire
The cannonball fire

It's as if I could split the moon

Whole desire
My head's full of wires
This is no joke
No joke

Whole desire
Higher and higher

It's as if I could split the moon in two with you

Writer(s): David Allan Stewart, Annie Lennox

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