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I didn't know what I was on about
I think I'm finally getting over the drought
I start to ramble when I open my mouth
I think I finally got it f-figured out

He wants to know me, he opens his mouth
I think about it every then and now
I didn't know what I was on about
I think I finally got it f-figured out

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Mirror, mirror on the wall
Money, move me along
Heart in the air
Baby, I don't care

I think I think about it too much now
I think I try too hard to figure it out
I didn't know what I was on about
I think I finally got it f-figured out

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Money, move me along
Heart in the air
Baby, I don't care

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Money, move me along
Heart in the air
Baby, I don't care

I think I think about it too much now
I think I finally got it f-figured out

Writer(s): Grace Ives

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