
  • Años de actividad

    2005 – 2010 (5 años)

  • Formado en

    Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, Estados Unidos

  • Miembros

    • Corey Fogel
    • EMA
    • Ezra Buchla

GOWNS are a band as haunting as they are haunted. Searching for salvation amongst the clutter of our everyday existence they tell us stories of never-ending summers, broken lives and shining revelation, all soaked in the dirty realism of a wilderness America.

Revolving around the partnership of Erika Anderson - previously the guitar wrangler in Amps For Christ - and Ezra Buchla - ex-horror show vocalist and programmer for The Mae Shi - Gowns cast an apocalyptic net over a broad church of influences, hauling in their fractured folk songs with cracked electronics, lending their confessional lyrics the directness of a spooked grunge approach, whilst embracing their smart oscillating pop with troubled atmospherics.

The band is currently a trio, with improv-drummer Corey Fogel whose resumé includes time with The Mae Shi, The Curtains, Carla Bozulich and many, many others.

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