
  • Fecha de lanzamiento

    16 junio 2016

  • Duración

    10 temas

Magma is the sixth studio album from French metal band Gojira. The album was released on 17 June 2016 through Roadrunner Records

in this album increased use of clean vocals is incorporated by Joe Duplantier, also the band makes a change in the style of riffs "We have some Pantera-ish kind of riffs, Which is kind of new for us. But we want riffs to be a little punchier Sometimes. "

the writing process for Magma differed from previous albums, saying That "We do things a little differently. We dump songs, we dump riffs, Which we never did before. we would prepared 12 songs, get in the studio and just record them exactly as They are on the demos. We Decided to do it differently this time. "

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