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Now that I'm less hungover
I can finally hear all the words you say
Driverless cars all end up in the ocean
Even when they think they know the way

Now that the great storm is over
I can finally learn all the things you know
All good roads lead us back to the ocean
Even if you cannot bear to go

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Life is yours
Life is yours
I heard you say

Now that I proved my devotion
I can see the start of a brand-new day
And at the edge of the Pacific Ocean
Life is yours, I heard you say

Life is yours
Life is yours
I heard you say
Life is yours
Life is yours
Your life awaits

The choice is yours, don't be late
Escape your fate and breakaway
The choice is yours, don't be late
Escape your fate and breakaway

Life is yours
Life is yours
I heard you say
Life is yours
Life is yours
I heard you say
Life is yours
Life is yours
Your life awaits

Writer(s): James Andrew Smith, Yannis Barnabas Emanuel Philippakis, Jack William Bevan

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