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Walking in the dark
Narrow hallways all I see

The static in my heart
Is bringing out the worst in me

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All I need is what you've given me
All I need is what you've given me

Don't let me slide
Slip down this Well of Lies
It's dark inside
Inside this Well of Lies

I look up to the light
And feel the sky is opening

I need a steady heart
To even out the frequency

All I need is what you've given me
All I need is what you've given me

Don't let me slide
Slip down this Well of Lies
It's dark inside
Inside this Well of Lies

Walking in the dark
Narrow hallways all I see (Yeah)
The static in my heart
Is bringing out the worst in me

Don't let me slide
Slip down this Well of Lies
It's dark inside
Inside this Well of Lies

Don't let me slide
Slip down this Well of Lies
It's dark inside
Come set me free tonight

Writer(s): James Culpepper, Kirkpatrick Seals, Sameer Bhattacharya, Jared Hartmann, Kristen May

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