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The Red Death had long devastated the country
But Prince Prospero was dauntless
And summoned to his presence a thousand hale
And light-hearted knights and dames of his court

Seven chambers well-prepared
Invitations sent with care
Orange, purple, green and white
That's how the curtains fall

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The eastern room in shimmering blue
Two others show a different view
Violet panes, black velvet too
Moving through the halls

Put on your fancy underwear
And tighten flowers in your hair
All set up to walk on air
Get ready for the ball

Call the knights, the gallant crew
And all the lovely maidens, too
Bring your golden dancing shoes
Be ready for the call

Hooray, Hooray, this night shall never end
Take ye fellow by the hand
And go around the bend
Hooray, hooray, the beat will never stop
From down the toes up to the nose
From bottom to the top

In the chamber down below
A pendulum swings to and fro
The minute-hand is winding up
Until the curtain falls

The seventh room in scarlet red
Turns the masquerade to black
Shadows on the tapestries
Bouncing off the walls

Hooray, Hooray, this night shall never end
Take ye fellow by the hand
And go around the bend
Hurray, hooray, Whisky and Jamaican rum
Fill it from the magic drum
We're ready for the ball

Are you ready for the girls?
Yeah, Yeah
Are you ready for the boys?
Yeah, Yeah
Even if you lose control?
Yeah, Yeah
Here and now, once and for all
Are you really ready, all you girls?
Yeah, Yeah
Are you really ready, all you boys?
Yeah, Yeah
Feel the spirit standing tall
Yeah, Yeah
Do not stumble, do not fall
No, No!

Hooray, Hooray, this night shall never end
Take ye fellow by the hand
And go around the bend
Hooray, hooray, the beat will never stop
From down the toes up to the nose
From bottom to the top

Hooray, Hooray, this night shall never end
Take ye fellow by the hand
And go around the bend
Hurray, hooray, Whisky and Jamaican rum
Fill it from the magic drum
We're ready for the ball

Writer(s): Frank Jooss, Jörg Umbreit, Patrick Prziwara, Rainer Schulz, Ralf Albers, Stefan Klug, Tobias Heindl

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