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How could I have known that you have a PhD
In everything under the sun, yeah, you're a prodigy at
Age 23, you really got it down

Blow the lid off the whole operation
'Cause nothing's finished till you work in your opinion
My bad, my bad, I meant to say fact
I'm dumb, won't you cut me some slack

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How often do you disinfect your phone
When you talk, talk, talk your shit all the way from home

I'm in your orbit, I'm getting so smart
The more I hang around you, the more I know about art
And what it means, and how to do it right
Cause there's a wrong way, I wish you'd show me how to write

How often do you disinfect your phone
When you talk, talk, talk your shit all the way from home
It's hard to make me angry but you do a bang-up job
Good luck finding catharsis when you think that you're on top
You want so badly for my jaw to drop

It's hard to make me angry but you do a bang-up job
Good luck finding catharsis when you think that you're on top
You're always waiting for my jaw to

Log out, fuck off
Log out, fuck off

Writer(s): Nicolas Stoup

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