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I'm watching myself standing
Feeling the empty corpse I became
Nothing can be more frustrating
Than seeing yourself drown into the deep oblivion
Into the deep oblivion

Changing shape, I'm slowly crawling
Reaching the pure sense of non-existence

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Fighting against these inner voices
They lead my mind, they give me no choices
They sing to me a chant, discordant noises
I'm praying and praying but I can't avoid them
I can't avoid them


Oppression is guiding me
Across the path of the untimely extinction
Obsession feeds my mind
Being nothing is my only ambition

Across the path of the untimely extinction
The void is my only ambition

Now my eyes almost blind
Guide me through the dark in front of me
And in tenebris I'll rest
Now my eyes almost blind
Guide me through the dark in front of me
And in tenebris I'll rest

I'm watching myself standing
Feeling the empty corpse I became
Nothing can be more frustrating
Than seeing yourself drown into the deep oblivion
Into the deep oblivion
Into the deep oblivion


Across the path of the untimely extinction
The void is my only ambition
My only ambition

Writer(s): Mattia Maffioli

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