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I'm sorry to have to say
I'm feeling very low
Don't worry this song's not long
I'll sing it then I'll go

I don't want to impose
So please don't get mad
It really comes to this
I'm feeling a bit sad

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I'm not the only one who isn't happy
People often tell me they feel crappy
I know it sounds depressing
To hear me confessing
I'm a little bit sad

Sorry to have to say
Sometimes things just get me down
It all gets far too much
My head drops and I frown

When things feel rather dark
A very lonely place
There's nothing I can do
You can see it in my face

I'm not the only one who isn't happy
People often tell me they feel crappy
I know it sounds depressing
To hear me confessing
I'm a little bit sad

Thanks for hearing me out
Your listening's quite a gift
Although I'm not fixed yet
You've given me quite a lift

It might sound rather foolish
But really I'm quite glad
To get it all off my chest
Now I've told you that I'm sad

I'm not the only one who isn't happy
People often tell me they feel crappy
I know it sounds depressing
To hear me confessing
I'm a little bit sad

Writer(s): Dave Ewart

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