
Massacre Records is delighted to announce the signing of heavy metal band DARK EMBRACE, who are hailing from Galicia, Spain!

As Galicia is known as the land of witches and offers countless legends and myths, it's no wonder that the band is, from a creative point of view, obsessed with everything dark-related, which is reflected in their sound as well as in their lyrics.

The band has already released two studio albums and plans to release their upcoming third album "Dark Heavy Metal" in 2022. A digital re-release and "re-howled" version of the album "The Call Of The Wolves" is planned as well.

DARK EMBRACE are known for their powerful live performances, which earned them gigs with bands like Masterplan, Amon Amarth or Sepultura as well as shows at the Vagos Metal Fest, among others.

DARK EMBRACE are vocalist Oscar Rilo, guitarists Mou Trashno and Markos Villar, bassist Kike Vilar and drummer Julio G. Valladares.

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