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Do you really hate me
Do you really mean that
Tell me all your reasons
Tell me why you think like that

I guess that your friends
Were right from the start
When they thought that
I was bad guy
I never meant to make you leave
Never meant to make you cry
Never meant to be that guy
Never meant to make you sad
Never meant to make you stay
Never meant to make you mad
Never meant to make you care
All about me

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Can you just say that you
Hate me
Or that you will never
Love me
Can you just say that you
Hate me
Or that you will never
Love me

I don't know how long it
Will take
Knowing that I won't ever be
The same
Waking up every morning
To that face
Asking if I really hate myself

Can you just say that you
Hate me
Or that you will never
Love me
Can you just say that you
Hate me
Or that you will never
Love me

Writer(s): Halil Esiz, Richard Choi

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