Coven created in 2014 as an alternative project to Sycantrhope. To give a touch more “noise” to their works. Always exploring the experimental branch with electronic, environmental, sometimes mixed with dark melodies sounds.
The idea of Coven (Coven Project) is, do different works to Sycantrhope project, separating rhythms and melodies of environmental and natural sounds, recreating more dense and dark atmospheres, creating the world of madness itself.
The first work called “Mental Noise” is a work inspired by authors like D.Lynch, D. Cronenberg, J. Verne, J. Cardiff & G. Miller etc, tries to recreate a fictional story of love and madness, where they are mixed feelings instincts.
In 2016, Dark Series compilation appears, with three albums that explore Dark Ambient style.
In 2016-17 returns to his more experimental beginnings and prepares new album.
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