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One by one, the colors drip from the sun
And there heat lies
Look into the window above to get high
To get high

On and on, the trees grow high
The ends row by and accounts for everyone
To feel like a part of life, to feel high
To feel high

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Move, move before it's too late
Move, move before they close the gate
Every feel's got a losing, everyone's got a place
You gotta move with you wanna stay

If only I could work my way out into the light
Start over new in the forest of dark night
Start over new in the forest of dark night
Start over new in the forest of dark night
Start over new in the forest of dark night
Start over new in the forest of dark night
Start over new in the forest of dark night

Move, move before it's too late
Move, move before they close the gate
Every feel's got a losing, everyone's got a place
You gotta move with you wanna stay

You gotta move with you wanna stay
Stay, stay, stay, stay, stay

Writer(s): Richard Wouters, Steve Mckellar, Andrew Mckellar

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