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A certain type of wind has swept me up
A chill has found each bone
I am overcome
There is an icy breath that escapes my lips
And I am lost again

A certain type of darkness has stolen me
Under a quiet mask of uncertainty
I wait for light like water from the sky
And I am lost again

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In the sea of lovers without ships
And lovers without sight
You're the only way out of this
Sea of lovers losing time
And lovers losing hope
Will you let me follow you?
Wherever you go
Bring me home

A certain type of silence has filled my voice
I scream beneath the water and make no noise
All my prayers go quiet, they're never heard
And I am lost again

In the sea of lovers without ships
And lovers without sight
You're the only way out of this
Sea of lovers losing time
And lovers losing hope
Will you let me follow you?
Wherever you go
Bring me home

A certain type of wind has swept me up
A chill has found each bone
I am overcome
There is an icy breath that escapes my lips
And I am lost again

In the sea of lovers without ships
And lovers without sight
You're the only way out of this
Sea of lovers losing time
Lovers losing hope
You're the only way out of this
Sea of lovers without ships
Lovers without sight
You're the only way out of this
Sea of lovers losing time
Lovers losing hope
Will you let me follow you
Wherever you go
Bring me home

Writer(s): Christina Perri, James Eliot

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