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We're in a river, bleeding doubt
And it's up to our heads
Trying to swim our way out of it
But our friends are all dead

We gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other
Gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other

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Gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other
Gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other

Yeah, oh, yeah, oh

Can't look back
'Cause the past is a terrible mess
We won't die
We'll survive the apocalypse

We gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other
Gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other

Gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other
Gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other

Yeah, oh, yeah, oh

No, no, no, no
'Cause when the sun comes out
We're waiting for the sky to break

No, no, no, no
'Cause when the sun is gone
We're waiting for the world to wake up

We gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other
Gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other

Gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other
Gotta hold, hold on
To each other, each other

Yeah, oh

We gotta hold, we gotta hold
Hold on, hold on
Hold on, hold on
To each other

Writer(s): Miranda Diane Miller, Pyrena Rena Enea, Gannin Duane Arnold, Julia Pierce, Adam M. Watts, Anastasia Lovelis, Andrew Creighton Dodd, Szatania Nia Enea

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