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Love helps to
They say that i'll never get
closer to the sun
Just saying that my eyes start
to burn sometimes
They say that i'll never get closer to the sun

How can i thank you?
I know you
want me to
now that you want to
i don't think
i want too

La letra continúa más abajo...

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I can't seem to trust
Lines were meant to be drawn
And then be closed.
You worth it.
What's used
Turns to gold
Step outside
Then your skin
Remains exposed
You worth it
You worth it

Love helps to
They say that i'll never get
closer to the sun.
Just saying that my eyes start
to burn sometimes.
They say that i'll never get closer to the sun.

is not for you.
Dig for deep and days,
I'm wasting you.

Read between the lines.
The cost is clear.
Read between the lines and on your clockout fear.

Love helps to
They say that i'll never get
closer to the sun.
Just saying that my eyes start
to burn sometimes.
They say that i'll never get closer to the sun.

How can i thank you?
I know you
want me to
now that you want to
i don't think
i want too

Writer(s): John Tacon, Brandon Asraf

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