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So there's .
There's a reason that you're in my head
And there's a good reason why you're in my bed
'Cause there's a reason now that you're my girl
There's a reason that ... you ... rock . my ... world
You rock my world
You rock my world

'cause you're dirty
But you got a good heart
But you're not a cheap tart
Yeah, you're dirty
But you got a good heart
But you're not a cheap tart

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There's a reason why you're in my head
There's a very good reason why you're in my bed
Oh, there's a reason now that you're my girl
There's a reason why you rock my world

'cause you're dirty
But you got a good heart
But you're not a cheap tart

There's a reason why you're in my head
There's a good reason why you're in my bed
There's a reason now that you're my girl
There's a reason why ... you ... rock . my ... world
You rock my world
You rock my world

'cause you're dirty
But you got a good heart
But you're not a cheap tart

Writer(s): Walter Afanasieff, Darren Hayes

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